Mitchell's 5th Birthday

Mitchell's 5th Birthday

Mitchell's 4th Birthday

Mitchell's 4th Birthday
February 2011
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Nov 2010

Mitchell's 3rd Birthday

Mitchell's 3rd Birthday
Feb 2010

Friday, December 9, 2011

MRI and more

I'm so sorry that we haven't updated since our November 28th MRI.  It's really hard to update since I don't have a computer at home.  The tumor looks stable and although they don't notice a difference, I thought it looks a little better.  At this point in the game, the next possible hurdle is the MRI in May a few months after we go off the medications.  The tumor might looked flared, but that could just be that a larger amount of blood flow has returned to the area since we will not be taking the med that restricts blood vessel growth anymore.  We'll see.  It could look great too, which we're optimistically hoping for. 

We got all of his scans on CD and I was hoping to put one on here to show everyone, but it's copyrighted and there's no way to save the images.

Mitch has been trying really hard to improve his behavior and seems to have suddenly grown up in the past week or so.  I was really proud of him the other day at school when one of the little girls was bossing him around and instead of fighting with her, he handled it by soliciting the teacher's help.  I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but it was a glimpse at my old Mitchell a bit older and I loved it. 

Our sweet little friend Luke who has an epyndamoma successfully completed his radiation and chemo this past June after 8 months of treatment and was stable until this past week when they discovered more tumors had grown including one on his spine.  Please pray for him and his family.  They are really great people and our dear friends during our stay in Seattle.  The hardest part about this trial is the constant ups and downs.  There's rarely a middle ground and it becomes exhausting. 

Thanks for your support everyone!  We cannot do this without all of you.