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Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Mother's Grief, A Heart's Memory

An article I wrote about grief was published via a Seattle parenting magazine, Parentmap.  I felt it was important to communicate some of the feelings I have as a parent who is grieving the loss of a child.  I also hope I voiced the sentiments of other parents enduring this struggle, as many of us share these similar emotions with grief (although each experience is unique).  The article should not make anyone feel guilty or burdened, but rather show ways big and small one can show love and support to families facing grief.  It is something that no one can fully understand unless they go through it themselves and I think in particular, the loss of a child carries a unique pain.  I know I am a changed person as a result.  I like some of the changes, and miss some of my old self too.  It's confusing, but we're getting through it, yet will never be over it.

Thank you all for your continued love and support.  I know that from the surface we look like all is smooth sailing, but under the water we are treading for our dear lives.  Life is unforgiving and never slows down to a speed we're more comfortable with and I guess that may be good.  We are meant to work hard, but every now and again the full weight of grief bears down upon us and knocks us down again.  We miss him so, so much.

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