Mitchell's 5th Birthday

Mitchell's 5th Birthday

Mitchell's 4th Birthday

Mitchell's 4th Birthday
February 2011
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Nov 2010

Mitchell's 3rd Birthday

Mitchell's 3rd Birthday
Feb 2010

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Of course I shouldn't have been, but I was a little nervous about all of this doubling up chemo business. Everyone hears horror stories of the terrible side effects of chemo. We totally lucked out, however, because whether these chemos are more minimal in how they effect Mitchell, or he's just extra tough (my guess), he was blessed to feel pretty great all week. I zeroed out my calendar this last week in anticipation, but it turned out to be a really fun week at home together. Don't tell anyone, but I may or may not have hung out in my jammies a couple of mornings. Mitchell was a little on the grumpier side, but hey I'll take it.
Children's Village--a facility solely focused on treatments for children--held a skate night at the local rollerskating rink last night. I budged and let Mitchell skip his nap and come to the store with me, so by the time skating came around he was wiped out and tired. The rest of the fam including our cousins had a blast. Mitchell ended up taking a few whirls around in a stroller with one of us pushing him, and he put his hands in the air calling it a rollercoaster.
This morning he woke up whimpering and felt warm. I laid him on my bed and he said he was going to throw up. Sure enough I got the bucket and a small amount of bile came out. Lesson learned. Even though he finishes chemo the night before, we still need to continue zofran (anti-nausea) for a few days.
Now we have a week off until next Monday's IV infusion. Today we had a visit from our Make-A-Wish friends. What an organization! We can hardly wait for our trip to Disneyworld. (Side note: Mitchell calls every stranger who visits us "doctor" now. Today he kept saying to our MAW planner, "Hey! Doctor, look at this.")
Also, I wanted to make sure I didn't sound like I was "dissing" on our doctors last post. Our doctors and Seattle Children's in general have been great. I think they try to keep an even keel so we don't derive any hidden messages. Does that make sense? Parents in this situation cling to a single word, so these doctors have to watch what they say very carefully. We love our doctor and nurse practitioners!
Please remember our little friends: Ashley, Keith, Jonaven, Luke, Peyton, Sadie, Sophia.


April said...

Skateland was awesome, thanks for inviting us! Hope this week is as good as the last one!

Danielle and Derek said...

What a relief that Mitchell is coping so well with the chemo. He sure is a tough little guy! I spend mornings in my jammies even without a good reason:)