Mitchell's 5th Birthday

Mitchell's 5th Birthday

Mitchell's 4th Birthday

Mitchell's 4th Birthday
February 2011
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Nov 2010

Mitchell's 3rd Birthday

Mitchell's 3rd Birthday
Feb 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010


April here (Chad's sister), I don't have anything new from Seattle but I thought I would share this picture my mom took last night. I also wanted to let everyone know that Amy's sister has set up the Mitchell Hatfield Cancer Fund which is at any U.S. Bank.
Finally, the other day my mom forwarded me a text from Chad that said, "...Eden came over when he saw her he perked up and said, 'hello princess". Mitchell is such a sweet boy and loves his brother and sister so much. From the time Eden was born he has referred to her as "my baby". We sure love that little guy!

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